Every day I chat with people that want to feel fitter, lose weight, be happier in themselves. The list goes on…
And WHY it is important to them and why they feel they have failed so many times before!
“Oh, it’s because I want to weigh X amount”
Or unfortunately most I speak to sound more like this…
“Oh, I’m not really sure”!!
Sure, it’s great to have a clear goal in mind.
But let me ask you this?
If you continue to remain UNCLEAR on why your goals are meaningful to you, how motivated do you feel you will stay before giving up, feel frustrated, and turning your attention to something else yet again?
I see so many people trying endless routines that they do not enjoy and feel as if they ‘SHOULD’ be doing them rather than doing things, they truly ‘WANT’ to do and will ENJOY.
Why do you think so many give up before they have even started?
Do not get me wrong if you enjoy:
➡️ Endless hours in the gym
➡️ Being super strict with your eating
➡️ Doing countless classes
PLEASE continue.
Most people I help though DON’T want any of those things.
They want results for sure yet, without living a life of limitations. In other words, having the best of both worlds.
All whilst allowing them to feel fitter, healthier, happier within themselves, and in general loving life.
So many people, NOT All, but a lot that are super strict in my experience are miserable.
Who wants that really, life is too precious & short.
So, my takeaway pointers for you lovely people is simply this:
➡️ What drives & motivates you to want the goals you strive for?
➡️ If your someone who continually gives up on ‘YOURSELF’ stop and ask why that is the case- please, try and think a bit deeper than simply saying
“Oh, I simply lost my motivation”
➡️ Finally, you CAN have the results you want whilst fully enjoying life with friends, family, having that slice of cake or 2 – without feeling bad about it.
The question is simply if what didn’t work for you last time or even most of your life, what can you do differently to move forward with your health and fitness this time?
Your friendly Healthy Habits Ninja