Something I still overlook from time to time.
How often do you simply focus on the end result, therefore overlooking all the great things you have done and changed already along the way?
This is something I experience far too often with people.
Let us look at a classic example:
You want to lose a certain amount of weight or fit into a certain piece of clothing.
Most people simply focus on this and that’s where it stops. Yet how do you feel when that end result doesn’t come as quickly as you would like?
Sure, it is great to have that goal in mind but what about all the other little things you do to get there in the first place.
Such as:
✔️ Replace that last 1-2 glasses of wine with water
✔️ Plan your meals better
✔️ Choose better snack options
✔️ Do not obsess over the bathroom scales
✔️ Increase your daily physical activity
I could write a list, as long as my arm, but you get the idea.
All these small actions you implement are wins, it is repeating these new behaviours that will get towards the health results you want.
The more you acknowledge them the more motivated and driven you will become and stay, even when life feels tough with other commitments getting in the way.
What small wins can you start celebrating with your health and fitness? Starting today?
Your friendly Healthy Habits Ninja